Research Program Coordination

Research allows you to pursue your interests, to learn something new, to hone your problem-solving skills and to challenge yourself in new ways. Working on a faculty-initiated research project gives you the opportunity to work closely with a mentor–a faculty member or other experienced researcher.


Importance's of research are:

  1. To understand various issues
  2. To know the truth and prove lies
  3. To seek opportunities
  4. To build knowledge and facilitate efficient learning
  5. To provide nourishment and exercise for the mind.
  6. To create confidence in reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing valuable information.



As a foreigner when you are coming to Bangladesh to conduct your research work, it might be difficult for you to complete your task fully alone.

We have experienced expert who usually worked in various type of research program with many researcher's team coming to Bangladesh. Such as: -

  •      Waste management research in Bangladesh under Keiyo Kogyo, Japan
  •      Many Japanese Universities teacher and students research tour
  •      The Project for Capacity Building on HDTV Programs in Bangladesh, by JICA Bangladesh
  •      Research program on Livestock Management and Improvement in Rural Area, a project from Ritsumeikan University, Japan


Please contact us for your research work, so that we can arrange the suitable environment of your research program to success on your desired design.